Does anybody remember a show on CBS that ran from 2006 - 2009 called “The Unit”? Of course you don’t. It’s a shame the show didn’t have a longer run, it was great television.

Dennis Haysbert was great on that show. That’s not too surprising. As we say in my family, “Dennis Haysbert has been doing great things before Buck Rogers was a TV show.” Anyways, does anybody remember that episode when Jonas, played by the amazing Haysbert, is told by some army doctor he can’t go on a dangerous mission?  Remember that?

Of course you don’t. But I do. The doctor says, “You know, with these injuries, you could retire right now with full disability and benefits.” And what does Jonas say without even hesitating? “Well, unless one of those benefits is jumping out of an airplane at 40,000 feet, I guess I’m just not interested.”



Or what about that episode when he led a charge into enemy territory quoting Daniel Day with the line “Come on, men, do you want to live forever?”

Anyways I created Special Agent 6 in the mold of Dennis Haysbert’s “Jonas Blane” and Yaphet Kotto’s “Al Giardello”. She’s gung ho. Mission ready. Hard as a nail. And she’s also a traditionalist. She believes in a code and she lives her life by a strong sense of duty and service.


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